Out of 22 studies 5 showed and increase in
<clip>Four abstinence programmes and one school based
sex education programme were associated with an
increase in number of pregnancies among partners of
young male participants 
There were significantly fewer pregnancies in young
women who received a multifaceted programme (0.41;
0.20 to 0.83), though baseline differences in this
study favoured the intervention. 
Conclusions: Primary prevention strategies evaluated
to date do not delay the initiation of sexual
intercourse, improve use of birth control among young
men and women, or reduce the number of pregnancies in
young women. 

According to this study nothing works so we should
just close our eyes and never mention sex to our kids
Take sex-ed out of the schools while we're at it. Even
handing out condoms doesn't work so it's all a big
waste of money. 
You present this as a report on abstinence only but
it's a report on sex education. Only 4 out of the 22
studies are about abstinence.
Only one study, the Teen Outreach Program used 695
students in grades 9 - 12 showed success.

Also keep in mind the abstinence only is an added
effort not a replacement. If it fails at least we gave
it a try.
>From the Heritage.org link I posted:
"2002 alone, the government spent $12 promoting
contraception and condom use for every $1 it spent to
encourage teens to abstain from sexual activity."

These studies were done between 1960 and 1997. Maybe
we need a newer study since we're trying newer
Did you mention your study was done in Canada while
Bush's programs are in America? They might use
different material, ya think?

--- "Larry C. Lyons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I also presented a lot of reliable data from peer
> reviewed journals
> that support the idea that Abstinence simply doesn't
> work.

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