I don't know Gruss, that's a fine line you are walking there.

I think all schools should value diversity in culture...or race. However, 
you argue that it is ok for these schools to "enforce" this diversity 
through its admissions programs.

This is where I disagree. The way I see it, if you value diversity, then 
create a school environment that appeals to different cultures. A truly 
diverse academic environment can be created without applying racial profiles 
during the admission process. In fact, doing the latter is wrong in all 
instances in my opinion. Even if it's "meant well".

>> Brian wrote:
>> I don't think race should matter one iota, not one bit. Shouldn't even be
>> considered. Anything less is racism.
>> I'm stubborn about this :)
> I think this is misplaced support for meritoratic systems, which I support 
> also.
> I think race should count for schools that value diversity - however
> maybe rather than say "race" they should say culture.  This
> institution might want Asians, Europeans (French, German, etc.),
> Arabs, Jews, etc.  In that case, "racism" is fine.
> If, on the other hand, an institution is judging for "the best and
> brightest" based on tests, then race shouldn't be considered.  There's
> other cases too.
> The bottom line is, saying that any consideration of race is "racism"
> does a disservice to victims of racism.
> If the issue is AA, then I'm against it in principle.  If we're
> talking about public schools, then I think they should be strictly
> meritocratic.  If we're talking about private schools or businesses,
> then I think they should be able to accept or hire who they want.

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