nice post. 


On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 13:45:23 -0500, Nick McClure
> OK a few things,
> First this first paragraph is wrong, it has never been declared
> unconstitutional, the constitution addresses voting rights, and protection
> under the law. The Civil rights act of 1964 addresses discrimination in the
> work place.
> Second, I've given my solution over and over again, we have to fix the
> public education system that forces minorities into poor over crowded
> schools. We have to educate society and emphasize to all young people about
> the consequences of not working in school, and create an environment that
> breeds success in society and not on the streets. When colleges are no
> longer able to primary education as a reason, then we will be left with
> actual racial discrimination that is illegal based on the Civil Rights Act.
> When all people have equal opportunities for education, then we level the
> playing field in the job market, and again, we fall back to the Civil Rights
> Act to address discrimination.
> You have shown three numbers, numbers that are based on national averages.
> In the US there is no such thing as a National Average. Did those numbers
> take into account the number of minorities with a college education? No. Did
> those numbers take in to account the location of the job in relation to the
> percentage of the population of the area where the company was based? No.
> The racism in Higher Education and the workplace stems from racism in the
> public schools and communities.
> I'm not the one making the argument that whites are being held back in major
> numbers by affirmative action, I'm sure it happens. However I'm also pretty
> confident that such a study would be shunned by pro-affirmative action
> groups, and you would be hard pressed to get that study to even see the
> light of day.
> These studies that you mentioned still don't address the root problems. I
> want to see some studies that take into account education levels. How many
> people that were more qualified didn't get the job, and can the prove it was
> because of race.
> I made some logic arguments earlier, and I will argue that if a minority
> gets a job because of AA, that chances are a non-minority (read white male)
> didn't get the job because of AA. I don't question the morality of such a
> choice. I do question the legality under the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
> I make no claim that minorities aren't being discriminated against. In fact
> I have been saying it the entire time. I'm saying that discrimination that
> starts today is what will really affect people in 20 years when they go to
> get a job.
> One thing Americans hate more than anything is being told that they have to
> do. A law or policy such as Affirmative Action, while it may get somebody
> into the job; it doesn't stop the other individuals from getting upset with
> the policy or law, and taking that out on the person. They start assuming
> that they weren't really good enough to get the job, and that must apply to
> other minorities, thus furthering the stereotype.
> Affirmative action is a hack, it isn't a long term fix, it was a short term
> idea that many thought would be gone by now. The long term fix starts long
> before people even thing about getting a job.
> I don't know if you aren't reading what I'm saying, but you always seem to
> ignore my comments, I've offered a solution, my solution is much harder,
> will take more time, and take more money.
> There is a problem, it goes far beyond employment, it goes deeper into drug
> laws, and other things that occur in minority communities. These things have
> to be addressed.
> The entire system is stacked from the beginning in such a way that makes it
> very hard to get out of it.
> If you know me, you know I'm exactly the most liberal person there is,
> however I recognize a problem here, I think we can fix the problem. But it
> is going to go far beyond what AA can do. We have to fix society. I think AA
> prevents us from addressing the real problem.

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