I haven't said your ideas are unattainable.

Though it seems the majority of Americans aren't intersted in attaining your 
lofty goals, or following the principles set forth for
America by its Founding Fathers.

And what I am saying is that in the meantime UNTIL those goals are achieved or 
at least a start is made in that direction then there
is a need for AA.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick McClure 

My lofty goal of education and changing things is what this country is built 
on. Our founding fathers felt strongly about a good
education system. AA may help to get somebody a job, but it sure doesn't help 
them keep it, if they don't have the knowledge or
experience to do it, then what happens?

If you think my solution is wrong, fine, say it, if you think it is 
unattainable, fine; say that. But so far you haven't offered a
solution that can fix the real problem. But don't patronize my idea.

Until you change the hearts and minds of the people, nothing will truly change. 
I don't care what your numbers say, they don't
actually say anything about racism in the individual, and so long as 
individuals stay racist, institutions will stay racist.

AA doesn't ensure that the minority is going to be making the same amount of 
money, it doesn't ensure that the minority is going to
have the same expectations, it doesn't ensure anything; accept a place at the 
front of the line.

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