Brooklyn is big. Where I live now is a middle class Italian/Black/Jewish
neighborhood. Where I went to school was a lower middle class/lower class
Italian/Black/Jewish  neighborhood. The distance is all of a 20 minute walk.
The differences in neighborhoods are based on money more than anything else.
Point is, I was where Gel is upset about and it was money, not racism that
was the deciding factor. 
I'd say that this is the case in a huge amount of places. Is racism dead?
No. Is it the deciding factor that Gel makes it out to be? No. A corporation
is more (not less) likely to hire someone who speaks with an educated voice
than one who speaks ignorant, no matter the skin color. Try it out. Have a
(insert minority here) apply for a job and speak in a well articulate
manner. Sent in a white male for the same job but have him speak 'street' or
otherwise not articulate. Watch who gets the job. 

"It's this Southern accent. People hear it, and they automatically deduct
100 IQ point" - Jeff Foxworthy

> I am not familiar enough with New York to have an opinion on whether I
> would consider Brooklyn to be inner-city but if you have a choice and
> are raising children there I would suspect not.

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