I also agree that things have gotten better, and it is in large part due to AA. 
You argue that AA needs to be removed. Which is
nonsensical in light of that.

I find it intriguing that you point to just 9,000 blacks enrolling in law 
school in the United States as a 'good' thing. I guess
'good ' in this case is relative huh? How many whites have enrolled in Law 

Minorities are taking a stand. They did do something. 
The Civil Rights movement mean anything to you?

I think Whites should take a stand and do something.
Stop all this documented Racism in school admissions and in the workplace and 
stop complaining about how bad AA is.


-----Original Message-----
From: Phill B [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Looks like good things are going on to me. How about you? 

My family died fighting for the freedom of slaves. What have you done lately? 
Oh, I forgot, you live in Trinidad.

Minorities in America have it better than they did 100 years ago.You can't show 
me that they are worse off than before. They have
more opportunities than ever. You CANT deny that.

I agree that things are still screwed up. I just want to see more minorities 
take a stand and do some thing. Not just complain about
how bad they have it and blame white America.

This is fun. >:-]

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