Waaaaait a second here. We're giving stories of personal experience and your
making stuff up just to say that they're the same. That's the most ludicrous
notion I've ever heard. 
I disagree with your assertion that things have not gotten better. I
disagree with your assertion that whitey is trying to keep the mass of
minorities down. I disagree with the entire way in which your taking this
conversation based on nothing but what others say and not on any first hand
You're getting all riled up for your own reasons that have nothing to do
with any racism happening to others in another part of the world. Care to
tell us what the real problem is? Did you date a tranny trinny last week and
are pissed? ;)

> Those weren't true stories. I was making the point that anecdotal evidence
> is an oxymoron.
> I disagree that things have gotten better to the point where Minorities in
> America are not significantly affected by racism in terms
> of their earning potential and education potential.
> I disagree that the problem is 'small'.
> Please show some proof, other than anecdotal, that the problem is small.
> -Gel

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