What is SES?

Jerry Johnson
Web Developer
Dolan Media Company

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/28/05 11:19AM >>>
But proportionately that's not necessarily the case. Absolute numbers
are not applicable. You need to look at the proportions. The reason
you have more poor whites is that there are more whites period. But as
a percentage of their ethnic group there are fewer poor whites than
poor blacks.

As I mentioned in our analysis of  the NORC dataset the correlation
between race and SES was over .5.  That means that when analyzing the
effects of poverty you cannot look at poverty alone, you have to
include race as a factor in your  analysis.

The NORC dataset I'm referring to is a huge study - it followed about
30,000 children in several different cohorts throughout the school
system for their entire time in school. Ethnicity, SES, academic
achievement, and about 40 or 50 other variables were repeatedly
assessed throughout the study. With this size of a sample its a fairly
good estimate of what happens in the general population.

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