Now you're simply being obtuse. Poverty is a factor of race in America. But whatever makes you feel better. Racism is not a problem in America, and minorities are not discriminated against in the American workplace and school admission system by Whites.*Shrug* If thinking so and raising specious arguments makes you more secure and comfortable go right ahead.
There has been no research, or data put forward by yourself or your peers that share your point of view to prove that. All that has been put forward are anecdotes and 'what if' scenarios which shows how weak your defence to this argument is. -Gel -----Original Message----- From: Jerry Johnson The question was, is it race and only race that is truly the major discrimination factor in workplace and college admissions. Or is it poverty. Or social/ethnic differences. Or religion. Or immigration status. Or gender. Or a combination of the above. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble Ticket application Message: Archives: Subscription: Unsubscribe: Donations & Support: