>>>I think they're a terrorist organization! They strongly
>>>support NAMBLA and the KKK but if you have anything to
>>>do with Christianity they'll come after you with all
>>>they have.

> That last part seems okay to me. ;->

I think the real point here being that the ACLU is defending other
people's rights against Christians who are dominant and therefore
opressive. Christians don't need the help to defend their rights --
Christians are so well off in our current culture that they're the
ones trying to eliminate the rights of others. If the tables were
turned and Christianity were in the minority they would be treating
Christanity differently (and lambasting whatever other dominating
ideology was trying to eliminate other people's rights, whether that
was the KKK or something else).

So I agree with John -- the last part seems okay to me. :)

I'd feel differently if Christians were opressed. But as it is, last I
knew the Bush administration had made it okay for charities who
receive money from the government to fire employees on the basis of
sexual preference thanks to the "Faith Based Initiative" -- which is
another word for "More For the Christians Club", since last I knew you
can't get "faith based initiative" funding for a Wiccan organization,
no matter how much good their organization might do in the world.
State pays christian organization to hire employee a -- manager
discovers that employee a is homosexual and fires employee a -- it's a
religious charity, they can do that -- but now they're using tax
dollars to discriminate against homosexuals.

< Pardon me while I go off the deep end for a minute -- you'll have to
excuse me, I've been a bit depressed lately. >

Imo you can do one or the other -- you can discriminate or you can be
part of the government -- a government that discriminates against its
populace, no matter how benevolent and benign it appears to be on the
surface is no better (on principal) than the Nazzis of WWII. Hitler
wanted to eliminate the Jews, Bush wants to eliminate homosexuals. I
don't see the difference. We have an advantage that Bush doesn't have
the kind of power that Hitler had and so he's unable to perform the
kind of attrocities that Hitler performed, although I'm convinced he
would if he were able.

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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