actually the reluctance was Jackson, I think. In the book not much is
made of these spirits. Aragorn reappears leading them but the how of
this is not explained.

I disliked the appearance of the Ents in the movie -- though I can't
really say how it could have been done better -- but I really loved
them when I read the books. Slow-moving majestic creatures who watch
civilizations go past.. it really caught my imagination.

Nor do I think that Tolkien invented them, actually. A lot of his work
is really a remix of various elements of British folklore. The Green
Man, barrows, ancient civilizations to the south, magical folk to the
west across a sea...


On 7/6/05, G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I guess by "purists" you mean the book readers who are looking for a
> straight on-screen interpretation. In that aspect, I agree. If that's how it
> unfolds in the book, it should be done as such on screen.
> But us non-fantasy folks shake our heads when such silly tricks are used to
> shore up the plot. Tolkien couldn't figure out how to destroy Isingard (i
> think i have that name right, with butchered spelling i'm sure) using
> believable aspects/characters of the story, so he invents walking trees to
> do it. I know such things are the life-blood of fantasy story
> telling....which I guess is why I'm not a fan of it.
> A similar trick was used at the end of Return of the King, with the ghost
> warriors. Why would a ghost, who can't be killed, be reluctant to fight a
> battle to regain their honor? Makes no sense....the ghost warriors should
> have been flesh-and-blood outcasts risking real life and limb to regain
> their standing.
> All and all though i really enjoyed the movies, which is a testament to
> Jackson. Aragorn was one of the best developed, written, and acted
> characters i've ever seen on screen....
> > True, folks like me would have had kittens.  Especially since the Ents
> > were key to defeating Saruman and allowed >Aragorn to recover the
> > palantir.
> >
> > But I think you were being hasty announcing their war ;)
> >
> > Russel
> >
> >>I'm not really sure how they could have the Ents any more believable,
> >>but the purists would have been up in arms had they left the Ents out
> >>of the story.
> >>
> >>
> >>On 7/6/05, G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>
> >
> >

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