That's irrelevant to the discussion. There are very good reasons to
discriminate against arsonists, and while I would like to, there
unfortunately is no real reason to dscriminate against

Why the addition of pedophilia to the discussion about homosexuality?
Pedos are far more likely to be males abusing female children. If
anything by the  connection you're implying we should discriminate
against hetros.

The critical factors are the possibility of  harming the partner,
mutual consent and being able to make a reasoned judgement in the case
of sex with others. By all those factors pedophilia whether with young
girls (the most common form) or with young boys (more uncommon), is

Now if the partner is over the age of consent and is willing to
participate, whether they are male or female, is by and large non of
our business and so the law should not intrude in their private lives.
This includes being able to make medical decisions for one's partner
when they cannot, being eligible for medical or other insurance or
pension benefits, being able to inherit, or have survivorship
benefits.  I can be married to a brainless bimbo for 5 minutes and she
would have more rights than a same sex partner if I was with him for
20 years.

I knew this one guy who died of AIDS about 10 years ago. He had a
partner who had been with Gary for about 6 years. When Gary was dying,
Don was not permitted to visit Gary, since he was not related to him.
We had to sneak Don into Gary's room so he could say goodby. Is that



On 7/6/05, Jerry Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Larry,
> What if it turns out that pedophilia is physiologically based? Or
> arson? Or cleptomania? Or conservatism? Should we then stop
> "discriminating" against practitioners?
> As flawed as Matt's logic may be, could yours also have its cracks?
> Jerry Johnson
> On 7/6/05, Larry C. Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So if the same basis for discriminating against homosexuals (a
> > physiological based difference among humans)  could be applied to
> > blacks or the disabled or other groups who could be differentiated on
> > the basis of other physiological differences, then that would be
> > acceptible.  Because by your logic, discriminating against homosexuals
> > or lesbians would be as acceptible as
> > promoting discrimination because of one's ethnic or racial background.
> >
> > I'm just trying to clarify your reasoning here.

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