Brother man..

Light up a spliff, ease back with some Bob Marley..and just float.

Afterwards you might be in a better frame of mind to face this life. 

It's a journey dreaddie...and sometimes it goes up..and sometimes it
goes down. 

Everybody have their own road, and no matter what anybody tell yuh,
everybody walks their road alone until the end. 
Give thanks for the company you have now along the way, and hold onto
the important things. 

Only you can fight forest fires ;-)
Only you can control your weight, adjust to your new health condition
But I bet you know all that already, and just need some time for all
this to digest.

Depression is a crippling emotion in these situations that you gotta
fight dude.
Trust me..I know :)

*slides Nathan a Green Muffin*


-----Original Message-----
From: Nathan Stanford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 

Sorry I should not send this out to you... but I need someone and I do
not want my wife to worry anymore then she already does.  You do not
know me and so I feel I can do this without anyone knowing me.

Thanks for your shoulders,

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