One more thing that I remembered after reading Sandy's response to you:  a
low carb diet can help control your diabetes extremely well as well as your
weight.  A book called protein power is great and Dr Bernsteins books on
eating for diabetes would help too.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fleischer, Beth [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 8:18 AM
> To:   CF-Community
> Subject:      RE: Just feeling Bad
> Mr Cold Fusion,
> It sounds like you would be considered clinically depressed - and no
> wonder
> judging by all the events that have happened to you.   Depression is a
> disease which can often be brought on by stress, which you have had a
> great
> deal of.  It is surely what is causing your weight gain, your feelings of
> hopelessness and your wanting to crawl into a shell.  However, the good
> news
> is that it is controllable via medication.
> If you have insurance then see your doctor and explain your symptoms - the
> weight gain, the sadness, the hoplessness and I am sure he will be happy
> to
> prescribe a drug to make you feel better.  
> If you dont' have insurance look in the phone book for a community mental
> health service agency.  They will be happy to evaluate you and will also
> prescribe you these drugs.
> Once you are on an anti-depressant you will feel much much better and will
> be able to get things back on track.  when you are depressed its very hard
> to get motivated  - these meds will help you.
> So all you need to do is get motivated to get to a doctor, ok?  If you
> feel
> that you cant' do this, please give this email to your wife and ask her
> for
> help.
> Keep us posted, and please keep writing if it helps you.
> Beth in Alaska.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:       Nathan Stanford [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent:       Monday, December 03, 2001 4:51 AM
> > To: CF-Community
> > Subject:    Just feeling Bad
> > 
> > I hate to ask this since I know there is no one answer... however please
> > understand I am simply asking because I do not know what to do with
> > myself.
> > 
> > 
> > Here is my life...
> > 
> > I was diagnosed with Type 2 a couple of weeks before Christmas.  Since
> > this
> > event so many things have happened in my life...
> > 
> > 1. My feet and the lower part of my legs do not have hair. (Great
> concern
> > even though the doctor says it is ok.)
> > 
> > 2. My Mother-in-law broke her ankle bad it spiraled into her ankle so it
> > broke both bones and will never heal correctly.  So she stayed with my
> > wife
> > and I for 3 months or more.
> > 
> > 3. My Father-in-law got laid off after 29 years and 8 months working at
> > Firestone. He then took a job at Sears Pest control and did not want
> > anyone
> > to know he felt shamed. (I know he should not have) He finally took
> > another
> > job at a school in a poor neighborhood and then he and 3 other teachers
> > due
> > to race were asked to resign.
> > 
> > 4. My Mother-in-law got laid off from American Airlines due to 9-11
> > 
> > 5. My Mother went in for a procedure and ended up needing a triple by
> pass
> > on her heart. (She has diabetes)
> > 
> > 6. I go laid off of my job in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas.
> > 
> > 7. After 3 months I found a job in New Orleans, LA for $20,000 less in
> > pay.
> > 
> > 8. We had to sell our house which we had talked about it being our dream
> > house.
> > 
> > 9. One year ago my parents moved to the Dallas/Fort Worth Area from
> > Boston,
> > MA area to live near us.
> > 
> > 10. One month ago my Brother, his wife and two girls moved to the
> > Dallas/Fort Worth Area too.
> > 
> > 
> > I am a Computer Programmer so I do not exercise at work.  I tend to be
> on
> > the computer when I get home as an escape and do not exercise there
> > either.
> > I need to loose weight bad.  My recent test the doctor said was good but
> I
> > still have not heard what the actual numbers are.  My wife with all that
> > has
> > happened is very depressed.  My wife now is taking some medicine so she
> > can
> > handle what is going on for now. I am worried the loss in pay I will not
> > be
> > able to afford our new house and I am worried I am not exercising enough
> > and
> > will have complications from my diabetes.  My wife is with her mother in
> > Dallas/Fort Worth letting my two boys finish school until the Christmas
> > break.  I am worried about the fact that I am a ColdFusion Web
> Programmer
> > and if ColdFusion does not stay on the up and up I maybe without a
> career.
> > Everyone tells me to study other languages and I want to but I can not
> get
> > motivated.  I also started a website on the side 2 years ago that has
> been
> > successful in bringing people however not in bringing money.  I started
> a
> > new website which charged it started out great then one by one all of my
> > helpers quit.  Sorry to cry on everyone's shoulder but I am at my wits
> end
> > and do not care anymore.  Not sure what to do.  My wife will not be here
> > for
> > a couple of weeks.  I feel lazy and like a loser to not be able to make
> > the
> > money I need to stay in Texas.  I have gained weight here and feel very
> > rotten about that.  I started to go to church yesterday and when I sit
> > down
> > in my car my pants ripped.  I feel very bad.  I am at the point I want
> to
> > quit both websites and craw in a shell go to work and do what I have to
> > just
> > to get by.  
> > 
> > Sorry I should not send this out to you... but I need someone and I do
> not
> > want my wife to worry anymore then she already does.  You do not know me
> > and
> > so I feel I can do this without anyone knowing me.
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks for your shoulders,
> > MrColdFusion 
> > 
> > (ColdFusion - A Web Development Tool for Creating Dynamic Web Pages)
> > 
> > 
> > 
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