I realy dont know what are you talking about, im
series, your the one who must of been looking at the
wrong footage, cause one, PALESTINIANS, dont have a
PRIME MINISER, let alone it being a SHE....so i dont
know who you saw apologizing for the inappropriate
behavior....but i guess it is kinda re-assurng to know
that when we do have a Prime Minister, it will be a

and now its Palestinians in the mass giving
approval(what, did they all nod there heads at once or
how exactly did people in the mass hundreds  give
approval ? ) with their teenage boys too ha, yah that
makes it much worse ha!!! but ok, if you say so....i
do would like to see if my Prime Minister is a knock
out or not though, so that you got to show me...

"because of the anti-American spewing you wrote
earlier" - What anti-american spewing are you talking
about ? when did i say anything anti-american ? or is
this another footage that you only saw, I would like
to know what i sayed that was anti-american, i will
sure be looking forward to seeing it....I guess you
are just making things up as you go ha!!!

"I do not care if you took a few dumps
> that day---I was
> asking you what you thought of the 100's of
> Palestinians showing joy
> over the Sept 11th bombings."

Noooooo, this is what you sayed....

"just curious, mo---what did you think about your
people jumping for joy after september 11th?   What
did you do?".....

There it is, at the end, "What did you do ??" so i
answered you.....you seem to remember things i sayed
that i didnt say, but not things you say that you
actualy did say!!!

"And, you want to know why people have no empathy for
your people (your words, not mine!)"
YES, cause "You attempted lies and tried to mock me."
and I actually don't recall asking why people dont
have empathy for "My People", my words too ha!!! 

and im not mocking you, or was not at the time at

Listen buddy, i really have better things to discuss
than your fabricated stories, if you say im
anti-american, then show me when and what i sayed to
make me anti-american....I'll be waiting... 

--- M Zanky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was not asking about one woman and 5 kids---I was
> asking about the
> mass of Palestinians who were shown giving approval
> to the bombings---in
> the streets of Palestine (with their teenage boys,
> in mass)  You must've
> been seeing some other footage--I am referring to
> the footage that
> caused the Prime Minister to go on TV and state that
> she was
> reprimanding them and was sorry for their
> inappropriate behavior.
> It seems to me, though, that when you or tyour
> people are asked to
> account for their behavior, they either back off
> with a lie about
> something else or they try to make you look stupid
> with some of their
> own facts.  I do not care if you took a few dumps
> that day---I was
> asking you what you thought of the 100's of
> Palestinians showing joy
> over the Sept 11th bombings.  I was also wondering
> (because of the
> anti-American spewing you wrote earlier, how you
> reacted.  But, I guess
> I got the answer.  You attempted lies and tried to
> mock me.)  And, you
> want to know why people have no empathy for your
> people (your words, not
> mine!)
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