The manufacture of stories.

Are you denying that Palestinians and people in Pakistan celebrated?
Are you denying that the women in Afghanistan were/are brutally
oppressed by the Taliban?

And if not..then what is the point of your diatribe below?

Since if the answer to the above two questions is no, logic dictates
that these people ARE opposed to the Western way of life, and to America
perhaps more specifically, given everything we know about them.

You don't Generalise a population based on a few, but when a majority
and their leaders say..or rather do NOT say certain things..then you
start to get the idea of where they are coming from as a people. 

When you add the fact that many of the people in the general population
don't have a damned CLUE what is going on in the outside world and know
only what those in power choose to tell them, the idea becomes even

Yes stories are pushed more than others, and yes the September 11th
attacks have sickeningly become a political tool to push forward what I
think are grossly alarming policies and laws (Like this f***ing facist
Military Tribunal sh**). I personally think that the terrorists have
already won and Sept 11th has begun the slide of America toward a
country that will be a shadow of its free self. (All for the good of the
people of course).But I still can't understand your statements nor the
examples you used.

No one is 'fostering hatred'...many of those people already hate us.
Can't you see that?

Someone told me once, that because of the strong religious and ethnic
ties, the muslims of the Arab world will always stick together no matter
what when the sh** hits the fan. So..

If it is All For One And One For All...
then shouldn't Peter Pay For Paul, and Paul Pay For All?


-----Original Message-----
From: Benjamin Falloon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 10:08 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Massive blasts rock Central Jerusalem :(


Why do you insist on basing your discussions of the world on the
pin-prick sized appeture of television? Television news is manufacured,
processed, produced, packaged and cosumed like soap, nike sneakers or
the friends sit-com. Don't you think it would be wiser to consider that
perhaps there more people in the world with even more diverse oppinions
than those clinically selected (with specific intention) and represented
by corporate journalists?

How can you generalise a population of millions/billions based a short
clip of footage engineered by western journalists with a western
narrative aired by the western mass media?

Don't you think that there are more important issues to deal with than
spending your intellectual efforts fosering hatred of  'other people'
who have their own culture, unique and idiosyncratic - seperate from
ours. Of course there are many people in the world who would have
celebrated the attacks due to their own oppressed poor militarised
existences. But this does not mean that we should expend effort trying
to prove to each other that 'they' are evil and against 'us'.

The western media is at best, extrodinatily limited in it's
representation of 'real people' in the middle east (or media east as
it's exists for us). Furthermore, it's representation is more often
designed to promote this kind of discussion by manufacture of 'stories'
(one of these being the celebrating Palistinians, another being the
oppression of women in Aphganistan for example). These stories are the
developed and made self referencial, repeated over and over by all media
outlets until they become the measure of oppinion polls on presidencial
popularity. There simplify polarize and synthasize politics and culture
for the fast food culture that is America.


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