I'll have to re-read as I didn't see anything about an attack in the 'old 

>I read that there were two separate attack locations. One was an
> "infidel"  tourist hotel, but the other was detonated in the "Old
> Market" catering to working-class Egyptians.
> Of the 88 dead, 71 were Egyptian.
> On 7/26/05, Michael Dinowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Actually, it wasn't Egyptians that were attacked but a tourist hotel 
>> where
>> most of the people were foreigners. The news is trying to tie this to the
>> Taba attack last year which was also a tourist hotel mostly filled with
>> Israelis there for the holidays. I wonder how many Israelis were in this
>> hotel (a number according to Israeli news).
>> Most attacks in Egypt in the past have not been against Egyptians but
>> against foreigners.
> M

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