Michael Dinowitz wrote:
> While NY isn't as secure as Israel is, the cops here do have dogs and I'd 
> bet that those dogs are well trained in bomb sniffing.

And how many of those dogs do you have to pass when you drive a pickup into a 
tunnel under the Hudson?

> Also, getting a large 
> fertilizer bomb into a 'good' location is not as easy as one may think, 
> especially here.

If the bomb is large enough, even a bad location is good enough. How about a 
pickup truck and the area where schoolbusses unload?

> Bottom line is that the days of simple, mass explosives are behind us.

That depends on the targets. As long as they want to hit people, mass 
explosives are probably not the easiest. But against infrastructure it is still 
the way to go. And I am afraid any modern society is very vulnerable for 
attacks against the infrastructure. How many powerlines do you need to take 
down to give an entire state a dark Christmas? And what does it take to take 
down a powerline? How many lock doors do you have to blow to stop all the 
shipping on the Great Lakes? How many pipelines do you have to blow to stop the 
water system of Las Vegas? Attacks against the infrastructure may not generate 
the abundant TV coverage of a ground zero with a pile off rubble and a line of 
ambulances, but the hidden cost to society is equally big.


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