I dated a bisexual woman for a while.  She didn't (that I remember) tell
me who she preferred, but based on the relationships I know about
(preceeding and following me) I'm pretty sure it's men.

Anyway, I looked at it this way:  For me, relationships aren't about
sex.  Sex is like icing on the cake.  Without good cake, the icing isn't
much use.  Okay, that's a terrible analogy.  But you know what I mean.
Anyhow, I just willfully assumed that even if I wasn't her ideal, I was
good enough.

Of course, since she never told me she preferred women, that might have
been an easier stance to take.


Deanna Schneider wrote:
> Hm...I had a brief relationship with a bi man. The major issue that I
> had was that he had told me early on that he "preferred men." To which
> my reaction was, "hm....well, my lack of penis doesn't seem to be an
> issue right at this here moment." But, the comment needled its way
> into my brain and planted itself there - growing into a nagging
> ragweed in our happy field of daisies. Finally, I just had to say,
> "you know, I can't always be wondering if you're actually fulfilled -
> gotta go."
> I think that's often the issue - the idea that no one person can be
> both sexes for someone. So, unless you're into the poly thing, you're
> always left wondering if you're truly doing it for your partner -
> which is an icky place to be.

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