> From: Tony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> i must say that im pro-abortion in only three circumstances:
> 1. the birth or delivery will kill the mother (who isnt 
> already terminally ill) 2. rape 3. incest
> other than that.  there are plenty of places to adopt your 
> child you worthless junkie. even halfway considering such an 
> atrocity should be your ticket to hell.

I think it is important to keep in mind that the whole abortion debate
is really two issues IMO:

1. A Woman's right to choose.
2. Abortion

I am all for a woman's right to choose; it is her body regardless of
circumstances, etc. I am not in favor of abortion since there are other
avenues such as adoption (with the exception of incest, rape, and
putting the mother in harms way during birth). It is such a struggle
though you know.... what are the uneducated and poor woman suppose to do
when they get pregnant? What does the government do to help them learn
and understand the consequences of sex and abortion and all that goes
along with it? They drop a planned parenthood in the middle of town and
take away education funnding and afterschool programs..... kids are home
alone a lot and unsupervised, what do people think is going to happen.
The problem is ridiculously overwhelming but the point is, regardless of
why or how things happen, the woman should have the right to choose
since it is her body.

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