
Its a legitimate story. Here's the Washington Post report:

Two Calif. Men Charged In Plot to Bomb Mosque
Both Belong to Militant Jewish Group 
By William Booth
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, December 13, 2001; Page A01 

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 12 -- Two leaders of the militant Jewish Defense League
were arrested here Tuesday night as they were assembling bombs to use in
planned attacks against one of the city's largest mosques and the local
offices of an Arab American House member, federal officials announced today.

The two men, Irving David Rubin and Earl Leslie Krugel, were charged today
with conspiracy to manufacture and detonate bombs targeting Arab and Muslim
buildings in the Los Angeles area, as well as the San Clemente offices of
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), who is a grandson of Lebanese immigrants.

Krugel, 59, was arrested at his home in Reseda as he was receiving delivery
from a police informant of five pounds of gunpowder of the type used to fire
cannons. Inside the home were two drilled foot-long pipes, end caps and
fuses. There were also a dozen rifles and handguns.

FBI officials described the bomb components as relatively sophisticated,
ready for assembly and capable of blowing out the doors and windows of a
building and killing anyone nearby.

"The devices appeared to be constructed to destroy property, though, of
course, anyone near them when they exploded probably would have been
seriously injured or killed," said Ronald Iden, the assistant director in
charge of the FBI's Los Angeles field office.

Krugel was described by the FBI as "a leading member" of the Jewish Defense
League and Rubin as "the leader" of the group, which federal officials
characterized today as "a violent, subversive organization" that was
preparing to engage in acts of domestic terrorism. The FBI had the
organization under surveillance since receiving a tip from an informant in
October, officials said.

In court papers, FBI agents detailed wiretaps and taped conversations
between the informant and Rubin and Krugel in which they discussed their
motivations. Krugel stated that "Arabs needed a wake-up call and that the
JDL needed to do something to one of their 'filthy' mosques," according to
FBI wiretaps.

The JDL was founded by Rabbi Meir Kahane to defend Jews against anti-Semitic
attacks in New York during the 1980s. Kahane was murdered in 1990. Before
his death, he founded the extremist Kach party in Israel, which advocated
the expulsion of all Arabs from Israel and Israeli-occupied territories.

Rubin, 56, was arrested Tuesday evening while driving near his home after
meeting with Krugel and an FBI informant at Jerry's Famous Deli in Encino.

Rubin's attorney, Peter Morris, said his client is innocent and the victim
of overzealous prosecution by the government in the wake of the Sept. 11
terrorist attacks. If convicted, Rubin and Krugel face 30 years in prison.

Rubin and Krugel had been under surveillance since the confidential source
approached the FBI and told agents that he was a member of the JDL and that
he had planted a bomb at a mosque at the direction of JDL leaders.

FBI officials declined to reveal more information about the confidential
source or the alleged bombings in the past.

But according to federal investigators, the source met repeatedly with Rubin
and Krugel to purchase bomb components, to discuss tactics and to review
photographs of possible targets.

In one exchange, Rubin allegedly said that "it was his desire to blow up an
entire building, but the JDL did not have the technology to accomplish such
a bomb."

In the wiretaps, Krugel and Rubin tell the informant that the bombings
should strike buildings and not human targets -- "because they still had not
heard the end of the Alex Odeh incident," a reference to the ongoing
investigation into the 1985 murder in Santa Ana, Calif., of Alexander Odeh,
regional director of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.

Odeh was killed when a bomb delivered to his office blew up. A $1 million
reward for information leading to the arrest of anyone connected with the
Odeh bombing was announced today.

The targets discussed by Rubin and Krugel, according to the FBI, included
the King Fahd Mosque in Culver City, the offices of the Muslim Public
Affairs Council in Los Angeles and the southern California offices of Issa.

Today, Issa, a freshman member of the House, said: "I have no way of knowing
why I have become the focus and target of these individuals. Like most
Americans, my hope and wish is for a peaceful resolution to the Middle East

The Muslim Public Affairs Council employs about a dozen people in a large
office building along Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles. The council works
to educate the media, the public and elected officials about Islam.

Salam Marayati, the council's executive director in Los Angeles, said that
one of his colleagues was threatened after a recent speech at the University
of Judaism. But, otherwise, the council has not received any specific
terrorist threats, he said.

Marayati said that if the attack had succeeded, it would have terrified
local Muslims in the midst of Ramadan celebrations.

"People are trying to focus on their spiritual needs," Marayati said. "It
really would have amounted to carnage on our streets."

Marayati praised the FBI for "showing and underscoring that terrorism is not
monopolized by any one religion. It's a problem across the board."

However, he was concerned that future attacks could be in the works.

"We don't believe that it's limited to two people," Marayati said. "We're
concerned that there's a wider network."

Mainstream Jewish groups applauded law enforcement for the arrests and
denounced the JDL and its members.

"The Jewish Defense League is a tiny organization that employs tactics that
are counter to the values of the Jewish community," said Rabbi Gary
Greenebaum, a director of the American Jewish Committee.

Special correspondent Jeff Adler contributed to this report. 

© 2001 The Washington Post Company

As a side note, it was on both CNN.com and on MSNBC.



Larry C. Lyons
ColdFusion/Web Developer
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Chaos, panic, and disorder - my work here is done.

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 12:23 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: Domestic terrorists
> It'll get to other sites. 1010 are nasty in general and jump 
> on stuff like 
> this (they were the ones who pissed off Guilani in Israel). I 
> actually 
> heard it from another source before I read it on 1010. If it 
> does turn out 
> to be true then the participants deserver all the jail time 
> and husbands 
> that they get. On the other hand, if it turns out to be false 
> watch how 
> fast it disappears without even an apology or follow up story.
> At 12:16 PM 12/13/01, you wrote:
> >First we have anthrax letters that more than likely originated from 
> >someone in our own country and now this:
> >
> >http://1010wins.com/topstories/StoryFolder/story_628347530_html
> >
> >BTW - I find it curious that this story is not on most major 
> news sites...
> >
> >Howie
> >
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