You talk about market forces and choice. Charter schools are part of
the school choice movment. Similarly voucher programs also are a
strong part of it. It it can be reliably shown that charter schools
and vouchers don't work (for the majority of students they may not)
then that sort of diminishes the idea of market choice doesn't it.


On 10/6/05, Cameron Childress <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/6/05, Larry C. Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Most recent analyses show that Charter schools are either no different
> I'm going to start calling you Larry "straw man" Lyons.  At no time
> have I talked about charter schools.  This is at least the third
> (maybe the fourth) unrelated program you've brought up to knock down.
> > It also looks like similar results are starting to appear for school
> > vouchers. Aside from differences that can be attributed to parental
> > involvement, educational performance is the same if not worse in
> > voucher schools:
> Eh...  That was a pretty weak study.  Maybe the same, maybe not,
> didn't really have a conclusion.  I like the part that said "Roughly
> half of the students opt out of their assigned high school to attend a
> different CPS school, and these students are much more likely than
> stayers to graduate."  Looks like it was helping those kids.  Perhaps
> it didn't help the others as much, but I didn't see anything in your
> quote to confirm that it conclusively hurt them, only that is
> conclusively helped some.
> Larry, I can agree that there are certainly alot of messeg up things
> about the education system.  I can also agree that any solution that
> either of us come up with might not have the outcome we think it will
> (good or bad).
> Either way, I think I'm done knowing down scarecrows.
> -Cameron

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