The WHOLE point of the treaty was to prevent the development of
anti-ballistic missile defend system because such a system would UNDERMINE
the principle of M.A.D (mutually assured destruction). If you develop a
system to defend yourself then you're basically progressing the idea that
nuclear war is a feasible possibility and that it is tolerable. Nuclear war
is not feasible. Developing a defend system provokes conflict, not prevents
it. It's the same old "treat the symptoms rather than the cause".

The 90s were a release from the fear of nuclear war with the end of the
soviet union... Why go back in time and create another arms race. Because
doing so satisfies the ultra-right desire for arms build up and make a lot
of people filthy rich off govenment tax dollars.


----- Original Message -----
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 5:47 AM
Subject: Re: Ouch

> You're right about fighting the wars with allies, but that was not what
> I was trying to convey.
> I've read several stamens in the press and elsewhere by critics of
> missile defense that "the money could be better spent elsewhere like
> health care or social security..." blah blah blah.  My point is that we
> can do it all.  I just don't understand why people are so opposed to a
> program that is designed to protect us.  Tests have proven that it can
> be done.  If naysayers got their way we would never have gotten to the
> moon, we wouldn't be able to fly at supersonic speeds, but we have
> always believed in the possibilities, not the impossibilities.  To me,
> that's the human spirit.
> As for the test, the lessons learned from those tests will make the next
> "version" better.  When you write code, do you not test it?  If it
> doesn't work, don't you go back and fix it?  Have you ever had to
> explain to clients why it costs so much to build a good web application?
> As for the money spent, how much would you spend to defend us?
> Michael Corrigan
> Programmer
> Endora Digital Solutions
> 630/942-5211 x-134
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Larry Lyons
>   To: CF-Community
>   Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 12:32 PM
>   Subject: RE: Ouch
>   The United States has not fought a multiple front war without Allies
> since
>   the Civil War. Can you name one? Lets see, Spanish -American War -
> fought
>   with the help of the Philippine people. WWI - the US did not get
> involved
>   until the last year of the conflict. WWII - the US was but one of
> several
>   participants. Korean War, same thing. Vietnam - Australia, South Korea
> and
>   Thailand. Gulf War, Bosnia, Kosovo, same - all were fought with the
>   assistance of multi-national coalitions.
>   The real problem with the missile defense system is that it is so very
>   easily spoofed. When a $25 Mylar balloon that is "tuned" can spoof a
>   trillion dollar system, isn't that a waste?
>   larry
>   --
>   Larry C. Lyons
>   ColdFusion/Web Developer
>   Certified Advanced ColdFusion 5 Developer
>   8870 Rixlew Lane, Suite 204
>   Manassas, Virginia 20109-3795
>   tel:   (703) 393-7930
>   fax:   (703) 393-2659
>   Web:
>   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Chaos, panic, and disorder - my work here is done.
>   --
>   > -----Original Message-----
>   > Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 12:24 PM
>   > To: CF-Community
>   > Subject: Re: Ouch
>   >
>   >
>   > We've fought wars on multiple fronts in the past and we can
>   > do it again.
>   >  I'm sure there were those that opposed our involvement in Europe
>   > considering that we were at war with Japan, but we did it anyways
>   > because we had an obligation to do so.  Contrary to many
>   > beliefs, this
>   > country can walk and chew gum at the same time.  Our military is
> very
>   > well trained and our Intelligence gathering efforts have been
>   > lacking,
>   > but we now see the error of our ways now and we will be able
>   > to conduct
>   > the sort of operations that we need to in order to protect
>   > the US.  We
>   > can improve our military readiness, improve our intelligence
>   > gathering
>   > efforts, and pursue alternative ways of protecting the
>   > citizens of this
>   > country..all at the same time.
>   >
>   > As for missile defense, it is not THE way to protect America
>   > but one of
>   > many means in which to do so.  Iraq couldn't give a rats ass about
> an
>   > AMB treaty.  Once China gets their weapons up to snuff, they
>   > won't give
>   > a crap either.  Pakistan has nuclear weapons.  If the current regime
>   > were to fall into the hands of an organization like the Taliban or
> Al
>   > Queada, do you think they care about the stupid treaty?  Shall I
>   > continue with North Korea?  None of these countries give a damn
> about
>   > the ABM treaty except to make a bunch of noise, apply international
>   > political pressure against the US, and do everything they can
>   > to prevent
>   > America from defending herself because they really don't want
>   > the US the
>   > means to do so.  Why?  Because if she can, then they are left
>   > out in the
>   > cold.
>   >
>   > Before Sept. 11th, no one would have thought that a terrorist group
>   > would have been able to accomplish what they were able to
>   > accomplish.  I
>   > mean really think about it...the Twin Towers are GONE!!! Should we
>   > really revert back to that mindset of "well, it probably
>   > won't happen so
>   > let's not do anything about it?"  I think that Ballistic
>   > Missiles are a
>   > credible threat and should be addressed.  If we ignore them and God
>   > forbid something happens, the same people who are bitching
>   > about missile
>   > defense now would be lambasting whatever administration is in
>   > the White
>   > House at the time for not doing SOMETHING about it.
>   >
>   >
>   > Michael Corrigan
>   > Programmer
>   > Endora Digital Solutions
>   >
>   > 630/942-5211 x-134
>   >   ----- Original Message -----
>   >   From: Judith Dinowitz
>   >   To: CF-Community
>   >   Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 10:52 AM
>   >   Subject: RE: Ouch
>   >
>   >
>   >   It's just that with the war we're currently in against
>   > terrorism, it's
>   > not
>   >   a good idea to piss off our current allies, like Russia. Why do we
>   > want to
>   >   restart the Cold War? We'd be better off concentrating on
>   > building up
>   >   better defenses such as the skills of our own
>   > armies/navies/etc., our
>   > spy
>   >   networks to ferret out future terrorist plots ...
>   >
>   >   Judith
>   >
>   >   >Lets see, Russia is against the US withdrawal from the ABM
>   > treaty, as
>   > is
>   >   >China, all of the EU, Canada, Britain and all the other NATO
>   > countries. Need
>   >   >I continue?
>   >   >
>   >   >The missile defense systems are simply a waste of money.
>   > The various
>   > reports
>   >   >by different scientific bodies have all been anonymous in stating
>   > that the
>   >   >system will not work. Why waste money on a Republican boondoggle.
>   >
>   >
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