> Jim  wrote:
> > Mold is about the scariest thing out there.  Get it fully tested.  Your
> > kids
> > are worth it.
> We are - no doubt about that.  We've already scheduled air quality testing
> and are requesting a mold inspection tomorrow.

The thing with mold is that it needs 2 things to grow:

1.) Water either directly or > 50% air humidity.
2.) Food.  Which is wood, paper, etc.  which includes drywall, cardboard, etc.

If these 2 things are present along with a mold spore you'll get a
mold colony.  The colony will then reproduce by throwing off spores
into the air which will land in the carpet, in your nose, etc.

If they land in a place with food and water then the cycle repeats.

To get rid of mold you have to first remove its sustenance (air or
food) and second remove the spores.

You can kill the colonies and spores with bleach and water, but since
they're microscopic you'll never get them all so you just have to give
it your absolute best shot and then remove water from the air.

About Humidity (sustenance for mold)
In a closed space air water content will always disperse evenly.  That
is, dry air will seek wet air and the water will disperse evenly. 
Those Home Depot dehumidifiers (Hampton Bay?) WILL NOT be able to
dehumidify more than a small bathroom and will cost a fortune in
electricity doing it.

The only way to keep your basement humidity below 50% is with an
industrial dehumidifier.  It'll cost about $1500 if you can install it

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