I'll agree with that, to a degree. Religious wackos and these ultra 
conservative "traditional values" folks generally scoff at critical thinking 
exercises. The most obvious example is evolution. Ignore 100's of years of 
scientific study because it flies in the face of SOME religious values.

Liberals on the other hand, will typically be in favor of these kinds of 
pursuits. But be careful. If your critical thinking brings you to a 
conclusion that differs from theirs....suddenly you are an ignorant 

The smug liberal can be almost as annoying as the religious zealot.....they 
just tend not to be as dangerous.

> Nice try, but in this case I think I'm on firm ground. Its not liberal
> groups that are agitating against those programs that promote critical
> thinking skills. Or claim that these are against "traditional family
> values", or secretly controlled by some outside group etc.
> But its your perogative to wear the tinfoil hats and watch out for the
> black UN helicopters.

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