That's a rather simplistic view of it, considering there are many,
many factors that led to the rise of the US as a Superpower that has
nothing to do with its choice of system of government or economy.

Your statement about 'when venezuela's economy needs a recorrect' is
again total speculation.

And yes, in the context of Oil, Chavez's policies are quite sound and
are resulting in a net positive for Venezuela. That is fact, not

The problems in France and Germany has resulted through imbalances due
to immigration and other decisions that are partially due to the fact
that they are not a large continent with over 200 million people that
can chart it's own course. They are within a large continent and are
now part of a European Union.

Again, it is quite disingenuous to say that if what they were doing
was good, then they would be a Super Power too, especially since at
one point or the other many countries other than the United States
have BEEN Super Powers.

And in case you weren't paying attention, the EU and China are set to
challenge the United States in many areas. The outlook of the world
and the Imbalance of power will change drastically within the next
Decade by all indications, accelerated and due in no small part to the
motivation for change provided to the world by the United States'
actions over the course of this Bush Administration.

On 4/18/06, G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When Venezuela's economy needs a re-correct...guess what? Artificial forces
> step in and try to regulate it. The market becomes unbalanced......kaboom.
> I know i'm an economic idiot, but i've never heard that argument before. In
> fact, the argument i've heard goes something like: Socialist controlled
> economies can never prosper because growth is artificially stunted by
> non-market forces. When a free market is not allowed to regulate itself
> naturally, unbalance is inevitable....resulting in stunting, regression, or
> even collapse.
> France and Germany have particularly high levels of unemployment. I'm not
> versed enough in French or German governmental systems to say if they are at
> fault, or in fact to what degree they are more socialist than the US
> government. But i do know that while France, Germany, and Canada have done
> quite well for decades.......none have done quite as well as the US.
> So...their systems may work, they just don't work quite as well as ours. If
> it did, they'd be super powers too, right?

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