> We wrote:
> this is of no surprise to me, i dont think.
> #1      Liberal

I think it's interesting that Sam and I, who seem to be polar
opposites on social politics (whether it's the government's job to
define and enforce morality), were both 3rd Way first; he then leaned
NeoCon and I leaned libertarian.

Of couse I don't like some of the questions because they're not wholly
philosophical, but it still provides for interesting results.

What this shows is that people like Rush Limbaugh have corrupted the
definition of "liberal".  I would guess that 99% of people that use
this term refer to a person that:

1.) Is a tree hugger.
2.) Thinks corporations and businesses are evil.
3.)  (the biggie) thinks that government is the solution to social problems.

What happened since that definition was tossed out is that things have changed:

1.) "Reasonable" environmentalism has become a serious concern of 90%
of citizens.
2.) Most Americans either work for, or invest in, corporations.
3.) People still disagree on this.

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