On 5/20/06, Gruss Gott wrote:

> My definition revolves around 3 principles that differ from
> traditional conservatives:
> 1.) Neo-Cons are "compassionate conservatives" meaning fiscal
> liberals.  For example, under Bush non-defense discretionary spending
> is some of the highest non-war spending in history.

A compassionate conservative in not a fiscal liberal.

As explained by Bush:
"It is compassionate to actively help our citizens in need. It is
conservative to insist on accountability and results."

> Also in this
> group is immigration which other conservatives take a hard line
> against (e.g., Pat Buchanan)

He's the far right and doesn't represent many conservatives.

> 2.) Neo-Cons believe in legislating morality or "activist judges".
> For example, Gay Marriage.

You twisted that meaning also. Judges are supposed to uphold the
constitution not change it to fit the times or there emotions. Judges
don't make laws banning gay marriage, they just decide if the laws
created are constitutional.

> 3.) Neo-Cons believe in democratic imperialism, or in "bringing
> democracy to the world" via force.  This concept, of course, was key
> to Bush's first term.  In a nut shell, the Vulcans felt that they
> could finally solve the Middle East problem by turning a country to
> Democracy and then that new democratic miracle would create a domino
> effect within the region.  They used terrorism, of course, to justify
> the hidden policy initiative.

That's your fantasy. The reality is Saddam was a threat that flaunted
the fact that he rewarded terrorist and ignored UN inspectors. The
democracy portion was an added benefit.

> Since I lean libertarian (fiscally conservative, socially liberal),
> Neo-Cons are worse than traditional liberals (as in Johnson liberals:
> Welfare, SS, etc)

I'm liberal because I'm pro choice and I believe in the safety net
programs like SS, Medicare and job training to name a few. You on the
other hand are against helping the little guy but you're in to the
free love things like legalized drugs, prostitution and marrying
anything or amount.

I think I represent the good qualities of liberalism while you
represent the worst. But that's just an opinion.

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