+1, though I don't think you need to be an extremist to lose friends and family 
members in Iraq right now. 

> I think you are 50% correct when you say that in order for the Germans 
> to be our ally we had to get rid of Hitler. The reason Hitler was able 
> to come to power was because after World War I we sunk Germany into 
> just about complete poverty. We made them made make huge repirations 
> to the other countries they invaded, and gave them no assistance to 
> rebuild. What made Germany our ally after World War II is that we 
> learned from our mistake and helped rebuild the country. It is the 
> same idea of what Lincoln did after the Civil War. Instead of 
> punishing all of those that opposed us he let the generals go and 
> forgave everything that happened. We had suffered enough as a whole 
> and it wasn't worth punishing. Everyone had lost. I think the same 
> thing has to happen in this "war". We need to come up with a stradegy 
> that stops us from so easily being the villan to everyone. Everyone on 
> both sides is losing, whether it's us with the billions of dollars 
> lost and the loss of life from the being in Iraq, or whether it's from 
> the extremests that are losing their families and their homes.

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