I understand the Reconstruction argument, but I'm not sure how apt it is.
Don't you think we could "forgive" the extremists tomorrow, and they'd
continue killing Iraqi civilians anyway? They aren't after our forgiveness,
and they aren't even targetting us anymore.

How would you suggest convincing extremists to quit killing innocent
Iraqi's? They've launched a terrorist campaign aimed at their own country
with the intent of starting a civil war.

It seems to me the answer is either:
1) Capture and kill ALL of these extremists (probably impossible) or
2) Convince them that their present course is NOT in their best interest

I think 2 is the only viable option, but it is not an easy one...and i'm not
sure how you go about doing it, frankly.

On 5/23/06, Dana Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> +1, though I don't think you need to be an extremist to lose friends and
> family members in Iraq right now.
> > I think you are 50% correct when you say that in order for the Germans
> > to be our ally we had to get rid of Hitler. The reason Hitler was able
> > to come to power was because after World War I we sunk Germany into
> > just about complete poverty. We made them made make huge repirations
> > to the other countries they invaded, and gave them no assistance to
> > rebuild. What made Germany our ally after World War II is that we
> > learned from our mistake and helped rebuild the country. It is the
> > same idea of what Lincoln did after the Civil War. Instead of
> > punishing all of those that opposed us he let the generals go and
> > forgave everything that happened. We had suffered enough as a whole
> > and it wasn't worth punishing. Everyone had lost. I think the same
> > thing has to happen in this "war". We need to come up with a stradegy
> > that stops us from so easily being the villan to everyone. Everyone on
> > both sides is losing, whether it's us with the billions of dollars
> > lost and the loss of life from the being in Iraq, or whether it's from
> > the extremests that are losing their families and their homes.
> >
> >
> >
> Bob

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