Sam was actually describing Rush listeners as those "in the know" not so
long ago wasn't he?

On 8/15/06, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > gMoney wrote:
> > source. And if you are listening for reason 2, you know you are getting
> > spin, and therefore aren't listening to Rush to "get your news".
> >
> Well, Sam can speak for himself, but your assumptions are flawed.
> There are many people that consider Rush's spin as the appropriate way
> to get news.  For example, they'll listen to Hannity or Rush or
> FoxNews and consider themselves informed.
> For example Sam is frequently touting a Pew poll (which is odd because
> he normally dings them) saying how "informed" talk radio listeners
> are.
> Of course that type of analysis assumes that "informed" and
> "understand" are equivalent which they're not.  I discover this all of
> this time in talking over these issues with people.  The
> Rush/Hannity/FoxNews set typically rattle off the talking points of
> the days, but when you dig deeper you discover they have no idea what
> they're talking about.
> I'm sure this happens with the AirAmerica side, but I don't know about
> any of those shows, nor listen/hear them, nor do I know anyone who
> does.  The same is not true of the FoxNews set as I know hundreds of
> those people which would include Sam.

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