>  Sam wrote:
> Funny, you posted mission accomplished to this list at least half an
> hour after sonmeone posted it on DailyKooks
> (http://dailykos.com/) I'm sure it's just a coincidence?

Heh, yes.  The best part about it is that I have no idea what that
site is, who authors it, or anything else about it.  Further, the only
person that's ever even mentioned it to me is you except for a few
days ago when I heard on MSNBC that it was the site that architected
Lieberman's loss.

Although it sounds like they have the same satirical wit as me :)
Good for them.

As for Bush declaring victory ... well that's when you know you're
really done for.  I'm waiting for the day when he declares Al Quaeda
and Hezbollah have triumphed - that way we'll know they're all dead,
and the world is terror free!

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