Let's do this again.
The people that aren't news fanatics might read a paper and watch the
evening news. Chances are what they see is biased and they don't know
any better and/or don't care enough to dig deeper. These are the
people that will say "Israel is killing innocent people in Lebanon",
when you start explaining why they get a dumb look on their face and
try to change the subject.

You say my news is biased but for 100th time I don't get my news from
Rush and I don't know anyone that does. I like his interpretation of
the event because he has a deep understanding of the background. This
is what he does everyday so he's good at it.
I read all the news wires from Yahoo and Google and get my political
information from conservative news sites and blogs.

As much as you cry how your news isn't biased it is. WSJ is a liberal
paper with a conservative editorial section. And, I might add, it's a
very boring paper to read everyday.
You always dismiss the editorial content until finally they spoke out
against Bush and Israel. Being a terrorist cheerleader you suddenly
have a use for what you normally dismiss as the biased section. You
seem to watch Hardball a lot and Mathews is one of the most biased
assholes on TV. Newshour is just downright boring unless he has good
guests. Not often.

Fox News is not a 24-hour news feed. It has different shows that
repeat. Britt Humes, a little on the conservative side, Cavuto also a
bit to the right, Hanity and Colmes swing both ways, Greta to the left
and O'Reily to the right. These shows repeat so pick the slant you
like and you're ok. Compare that to CNN or PMSNBC which are always way
to the left except for maybe Scarborough. ABC, CBS and NBC are also
way to the left.

On 8/15/06, Gruss Gott wrote:
> LOL, yeah that's what I thought you'd say  ^_^
> That's the interesting question ... you, a huge consumer of sports
> media, would like more.  But Sam, for example, a huge consumer of
> biased media, is always complaining there's too much ...
> It defies logic, but then so does getting your news from Rush so ...

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