It doesn't in the least say this is a "Christian country." At most, it says,
our enemies view the U.S. as a Christian country. To our enemies, this is a
religious/cultural war. To them, whether you are a Jew or a Christian (or
even an atheist) doesn't really matter. You are not a Muslim. Therefore you
are an infidel. You deserve death.

That is what our enemies believe. (Note, I'm not saying all Muslims believe
this, just our enemies, and not all Muslims are our enemy.)

Our enemies are the enemies of freedom. They are the enemies what we both
believe in, Beth -- religious pluralism and tolerance; freedom of speech and
dress; equality for women.

Do you watch the West Wing?  It's terribly unintellectual of me to cite a
television show, but Toby gave a great speech last night. The key phrase was
"They'll like us when we win."

Before 9/11 I had this hope that some day the entire world world be free. We
would have peace. Someday, I thought, all nations will be democracies, all
economies capitalist and all legal systems built on justice and the rule of
law. But I didn't believe in forcing the idea. Like many liberals I went
along with the notion of letting other countries define themselves and they
had a right to their brand of government, etc. Who are we to judge.

Since 9/11, I say BUNK!  It's all bull. We must use every resource we can
muster, including military force, to drive fascist and dictatorial regimes
from the face of the earth. At the moment our enemies are the "Axis of Evil"
and the terrorists and fellow travelers. But after we win that war, our
enemies will be countries like Saudi Arabia. We can no longer afford to
support fascist governments like the Saudis.

I hope who ever is reading this also read the link I posted last night, the
Atlantic essay. It covers much of the territory on why most of the countries
in the Mid-East need radically different governments, governments that
embrace freedom, capitalism and the rule of law.

Capitalist countries do not fight each other. It has never happened. If we
want peace, we want capitalism the world over. Liberals will whine about
"Americanization" and the loss of other cultures and languages. I say, too
bad. That is a small price to pay for ridding the world of the tyrants,
would be tyrants and leaders who starve their people for their own economic

I suppose at point, if this thread continues, some one will raise
objections -- look how horrible things are in the U.S., and they'll point to
this or that failing. I say, don't bother. I know well the failings of the
U.S. These are trivial compared to the failings of every other system of
governance and every other system of economics.  People who truly care about
the downtrodden, the oppressed and human rights are people who embrace
capitalism because only capitalism offers true economic hope to people who
might begin life at a disadvantage.

So, like Toby in the West Wing, I believe, we are right. It is time we stop
this liberal mumbo-jumbo about allowing other people to determine their own
government, because you know what, the only people who truly determine their
own government live in democracies where the rule of law is cherished. We're
not protecting other cultures by propping up corrupt governments; we're
protecting the wealthy few against the poor majority. It's time we just face
facts. We are right. Our system is the best hope for the world. The fascists
and the fundamentalists are wrong. Theirs is the way of destruction and


-----Original Message-----
From: BethF [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 9:01 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: A new Web log

I would guess that most of us have seen propaganda like this before - and
its this kind of attitude that bothers me:
"Let's face it: the liberals will do anything to diminish the importance of
faith-based institutions in this country."

I dont' think that we horrible liberals want to diminish anyone elses faith
based organization, but we do not feel the government should pay for them -
as it is implied we should in this paragraph.

And this one:

" Part of the conventional wisdom, from 9/11 forward, is that the current
war is not a war between Islam and Christendom. We have suspected that the
motive behind this is political correctness, added to a very understandable
desire not to inflame the opinions of a billion Muslims as we wage war
against a much smaller number of them. But sooner or later, the ugly truth
must be confronted. The suicide bombers and fanatics see their attacks as
salvos in a religious conflict. And if one side sees it as a religious war,
does that not make it a religious war? "

This almost smacks in the face of implying the US is a christian country -
which really offends me.

--Beth, Pseudo usenet cop
Merlin MTB, BikeE AT, RANS gliss, Trek R200, Kickbike
Owned by Kavik (Samoyed Boy) and Toklat (Keeshond Boy)
Anchorage, Alaska

----- Original Message -----
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 11:05 PM
Subject: A new Web log

> A friend has started a new Web log.  So far, it looks promising as far as
> his ability to find interesting things to point readers to.
> It is from a conservative and Christian perspective, but even if you
> disagree with both of those concepts, you might be interested in seeing
> things you might not otherwise see.  Scott is a very smart guy and I think
> he'll do a great job with this.
> The link is:
> linemonster
> linemonster
> linemonster
> linemonster
> H.

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