On 11/9/06, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > gMoney wrote:
> > I'm more worried about the Dems domestic plans, which reads like a Dana
> wish
> Well the good news here is 2-fold:
> (1.) The Dems that got elected basically ran on a fiscally
> conservative platform.  The Dems are well placed to steal this issue
> from the Republicans and, if they're smart, they will.  To do so
> they'll need to convince far lefties that it's better to work the
> 'lower costs' side of the equation than the 'raise income' side.
> Remember, to pass anything like that just about EVERY democrat would
> have to vote for it.  If they do it'll be political suicide.
> (2.) The President still has veto power and unless he's totally
> spineless now, he'll use it.

Yeah, I guess that's true. Perhaps I'm still getting used to the idea of a
"fiscally conservative democrat". We'll see.

The money for this national healthcare idea has to come from
somewhere....i'm guessin' it'll be Gruss and G's paycheck.

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