intuitively, you might think it works that way, but it just isn't the case.
basic math.

On 11/10/06, Gruss  wrote:
> > RoMunn wrote:
> > More geek moments. Dana is right. Casinos make money on very, very small
> > margins (51% chance of the house winning at blackjack, is that right?)
> Each
> > hand, each throw, each spin is a separate event and the house makes
> money on
> > volume.
> >
> But only because she doesn't understand my point.  The odds of walking
> away an overall winner is a function of your sample size.  That is,
> winning one hand has higher odds of winning  2 >> in a row <<
> Here, I'll show you:
> The odds of flipping a heads in one toss of a coin is: 1 in 2 or 50%
> The odds of flipping 5 heads in a row is 1 in 32 or 3%
> The odds of flipping 10 heads in a row is 1 in 1024 or 0.1%
> The reason this analogy works is because, as every combat vet knows,
> the longer you're in combat the less chance you have of walking away
> without getting hit.  As journalists say:
> 1.) It can't happen to me.
> 2.) It might happen to me.
> 3.) I have to be careful or it'll happen to me.
> 4.) No matter what I do it's going to happen to me.
> 5.) I have to get out now.

Robert Munn

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