try looking at this.

On 11/11/06, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> no it's still 50-50, sorry. The coin does not care how many times it's
> been heads already. It still has a fifty-fifty shot of being tails the
> next time.
> now, your odds of getting a head six times in a row are
> .5*.5*.5*.5*.5*.5, which is what you are talking about.
> On 11/11/06, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Dana wrote:
> > > I understand your point.
> >
> > No you don't, but you think you do because you worked in a math lab or
> > something.  I did the math for you and it's right on the page.  What
> > you're pointing out is totally different.
> >
> > You: The odds of the NEXT flip being heads is 50%.  True.
> >
> > Me: The odds of the next flip being heads GIVEN that you've flipped 9
> > heads in a row is 0.1%
> >
> > That's the math.  There is no other math.  Now, let's take that to a casino 
> > ...
> >
> > If you're playing at the coin flip table and you bet $1 on each flip
> > that it comes up heads, your odd of winning on the next flip is 50%.
> > Your odds of winning 10 flips in a row is only 0.1%
> >
> > So the casino could entire you to play by saying that you win the
> > $10,000 jackpot if you can flip 10 heads in a row.  They can feel
> > comfortable that 99.9% of the time they won't have to pay out.
> >
> > 

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