You seem to equate my statement with unified opposition. That isn't what I
mean. Governments are people. Media are people. Corporations are people.
Some of them will agree, some of them will disagree. In the Desert Rock
case, it looks like the people involved have by and large judged that the
benefits outweigh the risks. Some people (like Barbara Boxer, one of my
Senators) are speaking out in opposition. That doesn't mean that everyone in
government everywhere is uniformly opposed to the plan.

As for the plan itself, I haven't studied IGCC technology in detail, but I
am very familiar with pulverized coal (PC) technology. Ten or fifteen years
ago, PC was considered advanced production worthy technology, with
fluidized-bed coal technology being the means of burning the fuel. Companies
were pursuing pressurized fluidized-bed technology, and it looks like PFB
has become a decent option for building new plants.

It also looks like IGCC is the newest attempt to conquer the challenge of
retrofitting old plants. By the way, don't think that utility companies
aren't interested in advanced technology. They are extremely interested.
Just google IGCC technology and you'll se AEP, Duke Power, and GE among
others interested in commercializing the technology.

That doesn't mean everyone agrees, though.

On 2/22/07, Dana wrote:
> um, if you google Desert Rock (on News at least) you will see only one
> article of any substance. This one, which was written by a freelancer,
> notice. And a blurb that the $85 million subsidy went to a hearing
> again today. Government is not opposed to this...Jeff Bingaman and
> Barbara Boxer are *federal* legislators commenting on a matter that is
> currently in a state legislature.
Robert Munn

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