yes yes we are all fully aware of the Clinton did it too defense. It's
gotten a lot of use the past few years. But leaving aside whether the
president legally CAN do this.. is it the right thing to do, do you

On 7/3/07, Robert Munn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Pardon power is a function of the executive branch, i.e. the branch of
> government that enforces the laws that the legislative branch passes. Pretty
> standard "separation of powers" doctrine there. I would much rather have
> that power in the hands of one person than in the hands of an entire
> Congress. There would be ten thousand pardons a year instead of a few dozen.
> As for DOJ guidelines, you put more faith in government bureaucrats than I
> do. And here I thought you were a libertarian. If I were President, I would
> be sorely tempted to take a machete to large parts of the Federal
> government.
> For everyone's entertainment, here is the full list of Clinton's pardons and
> commutations, and GHW Bush's pardons:
> DOJ doesn't have a link for GW Bush's pardons yet.
> On 7/3/07, Gruss  wrote:
> >
> > > cHat wrote:
> > > Libby's case he has been found guilty... he's just not the only one!
> > >
> >
> > Yeah, you're right.
> >
> > I guess I just find it despicable for Bush to step in - I don't agree
> > with the pardon process be it for Clinton or Bush or any president.  I
> > can see giving the Congress the power to do it, but not the President.
> >
> > What's even worse in this case is not just that he did it, but that he
> > violated Justice Dept guidelines to do it (something Clinton didn't
> > do), and that he had previously said he wouldn't.  And, of course that
> > he would let justice "take it's course".

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