by the way she turns 15 in a few days.

On 7/14/07, Scott Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dana,
> First how old is your daughter? I've coached young kids in competitive 
> Taekwondo. Up until their about 16 or 17, things like "National Champion" and 
> "World Champion" don't mean a whole lot. Secondly, how well does she get 
> along with her sensei and teammates? If she gets along better with her friend 
> than her teammates, then I can understand wanting to go with her friend. With 
> the conflicts you've described she may not be getting the training or 
> attention that she needs, she may not feel ready, and sees her friend's trip 
> as an "out".
> Speaking as a competitor myself, the USKA is not a large organization, their 
> "World Championships" is just another national tournament. She might be 
> thinking "I'm gonna fight the same people I fought at the last tournament"
> And with 175 divisions she may not have any competition. That can put a real 
> damper on your competitive drive. I'd go to USTU (now USA-Taekwondo) 
> Nationals, just to fight someone I hadn't fought before. At my age that was 
> the end of the path, there were no world championships for those of us who 
> were over 35.
> If she's serious about competition you might want to look into the USA 
> National Karate-Do Federation. ('re recognized by 
> the US Olympic Committee and the IOC. This is the path to real world 
> championships and the Olympics.
> One of the problems with the Martial Arts industry is there's no regulation. 
> I can create my own federation and declare myself a grandmaster and world 
> champion, and if people buy into it I can make money at it.
> With the financial problems in the school, this may be the time to switch 
> schools, and find a sensei who can take her to the next level. If she chooses 
> to go that route.
> --
> Scott Stewart
> ColdFusion Developer
> SSTWebworks
> 7241 Jillspring Ct.
> Springfield, Va. 22152
> (703) 220-2835
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2007 4:31 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: New Orleans/girl/karate questions
> so now I have a family question of my own.
> My daughter won Grand Champion at the USKA Nationals. She is eligible
> for the World Championships, to be held in New Orleans in early
> August.
> So far this has been primarily bragging material. Her dojo has made
> the travel arrangements for the tournaments she has been to. I have
> contributed towards gas.
> However, it seems that the dojo has been the subject of some sort of
> very bad management dispute coupled with allegations of financial
> mismanagement and a move to another location. The dojo is saying that
> they will *not* be sending a van.
> So. I am looking for ways to make this work, so here are the questions
> about that:
> The Hilton -- is this right downtown? OK neighborhood? My daughter is
> turning 15 and we have very little street crime in Albuquerque. I do
> not think she is ready for New Orleans by herself (in answer to can
> she be put on a plane). I am sure the French Quarter is ok, but it is
> close to some bad areas, yes? Easy to make a wrong turn?
> I need to research airfares. Driving is out as I figure, well San
> Antonio is a tough two-day drive from Albuquerque, so we are looking
> at three days minimum four to be safe. Double that and it's too much
> time off work.
> Other questions:
> She has been invited to go to Mexico with a friend and the friend's
> family. They have a condo in San Carlos. The dates conflict.
> She says she would rather go to Mexico. I say that if you are eligible
> for the Worlds in anything, you really should go. She says she will
> always have her belt (blue) but that her friend might not always be
> there.
> I don't understand..... She has been to San Carlos before. The friend
> lives right over the mountain pass. The friend's family cannot move
> the Mexico trip back because she is starting school ::eyeroll, see
> previous comments:: My take on this is that if Lara is willing to give
> up a World competition and the friend is not willing to give up a few
> days of school at the beginning of the grade 10, Lara is putting a lot
> more weight on this than the friend is.
> So perhaps the situation is a bit unhealthy anyway and I should not
> allow the Mexico trip in any event.
> Supposing I should change my mind about this, is there such a thing as
> an airplane from New Orleans to the San Carlos area?
> All thoughts and suggestiosn appreciated, cause I am kinda floored...
> thanks
> Dana

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