Answers inline

> -----Original Message-----
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Is Diversity bad?

> Do you socialize with you neighbors who either can not or will not
> speak your primary language in public?

I don't socialize with my neighbors at all.

> Do you vote when the ballot is primarily issues that do not concern
> your ethnic or socio-economic group?

I always vote.  Voting is the one thing that can make real change in our
government.  Local, State or National, I'm there.

> Do you volunteer in areas where the main beneficiaries are not of your
> ethnic or socio-economic group?

I don't volunteer anymore.  I wish I had the time.  When I did though it was
either political things I agreed with, some kind of software project, or
something where the beneficiaries ethnic or socio-economic group was

> Do you feel you have a say in government when your representative is of
> a different ethnic group than your own?

99.9999999999999% I would say no.  It is a fact in the U.S. that the vast
majority of non-whites in politics are democrats or further left.  As a
libertarian though, I don't feel I have say with 99.9999999999999% of white
politicians either.  haha

> I personally can only answer yes to two of these questions.
> I think all of these issues are long term problems as opposed to short
> term problems.  I suspect everyone here has had exposure to other
> cultures in grammar, middle and high school and especially college.  I
> suspect we were greatly idealistic
> in school, but the real world has changed us, for the worse.
> It strikes me that forced diversity leads to a backlash and xenophobia.
> I don't think it leads to racism in the "separate but equal" mode.  It
> is just a "birds of a feather" thing, IMO.

Tough subject.  Interesting in light of recent supreme court cases that let
some forced integration school districts off federal oversight recently.
Also viewed through the emotions around the immigration issue in the U.S.
right now.

Whether one likes to admit it or not, we as Americans have a distinct
national culture.  This culture also has sub-cultures.  Often time when
these sub-cultures are forced to co-exist there is going to be strife.
These groups do not just break down along lines of race, but also to
groups(religious, political), levels of income and even along lines of
gender and sexuality.

To be honest the more time passes the more I come to support, in theory at
least, the idea of a more federalized system within the U.S., giving states
much of their powers back, and moving away from so much national
legislation.  People need to realize that local problems often need to be
solved locally.

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