That's another minor problem.

I'm allergic to milk. And most of those shakes are milk based. There
was one called Cassilan that I tried for a week or so but I didn't
really see any results. Then I think the can finished and I didn't buy
a new one.

Lifting is what my gym instructor told me, but he also told me that he
didn't want me doing too much calisthenics and he advised if I really
wanted to put on weight I would have to 'force' myself to eat even
when I wasn't hungry.

That just didn't sound healthy to me. :-\

Weight lifting. Gym. Stress. Work.

On 8/20/07, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Weegs wrote:
> > muscle mass is prolly one of the FEW ways you would ACTUALLY
> > gain weight dog.
> >
> Yup, lift and drink LOTS of SeriousMass.

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