this doesn't sound the least bit familiar to you I take it?

Don't get me wrong, based on his speech at Columbia he is ignorant.
But you assume the US is not. It's like watching a train wreck in slow
motion; yes the administration *is* that stupid. Yes, Iran apparently
has no clue that this is so....


On 9/25/07, Robert Munn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How can we assume that is not their plan when the consequences of being
> wrong are so dire? And even if we somehow make the idiotic blunder of
> assuming the best from a country whose president regularly leads mobs in
> chants of "Death to America", do you really think the Israelis are going to
> stand back and watch the Iranians develop nukes? Not a chance.
> At the very least, if no one does anything, Iran will be a nuclear power,
> and they will use the threat of nuclear terrorism to dominate the region.
> The Saudis would be forced to contemplate developing nuclear weapons as a
> deterrent, just as India and Pakistan engaged in a regional cold war nuclear
> arms race a few year ago.
> You ask about US actions in what context? The war in Iraq? Afghanistan? None
> of that stuff makes any difference. The Iranians have been pursuing nuclear
> weapons for more than twenty years.
> The US and Europe have showed restraint. The time for restraint is quickly
> drawing to a close. The US and Europeans need to sponsor very tough
> sanctions on Iran- first through the Security Council (like that would ever
> get past China and Russia)- and then on our own. War is the only other
> option left, and it is going to be ugly all around if it comes to that.
> On 9/25/07, Dana wrote:
> >
> > ok so... assume (it's a big assumption) that this is in fact their
> > plan. How do you think the US actions so far help to prevent this?

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