Shooting someone in the streets because they say they don't like you
and you think that they might be buying a gun makes total sense to the
majority American sensibility apparently.The US has embraced the
notion of a 'preemptive strike' whole heartedly, although it goes
against every international notion of sovereignty, rules of war and
democracy that have ever been written.

Forget the fact that we have seen no proof at all about Iran building
nuclear missiles.

North Korea has Nukes. Pakistan has Nukes. India has Nukes.

But the US wants to attack Iran, who does not have Nukes but who might
be making them in ten years or so.Maybe.

Americans may buy that bunch of bull, but the rest of the world isn't.
Not after the US' "most critical threat" "Massive Stockpiles of
Chemical and biological weapons to be used against the world" debacle.

But oh..right.

They moved MASSIVE Stockpiles to Syria while being carefully
scrutinised by the US. The same US that can zero in on a car from
space and who have more Reconnaissance Unmanned aircraft than anyone


TONNNES of missiles and chemicals, which would have required miles of
trucks to move....suddenly disappeared into Syria, and the US saw
nothing. Those who believe that probably also still believe in the
tooth fairy and santa claus.

And listen..if these WMD were moved to Syria, why isn't the US
invading SYRIA to recover these MASSIVE Stockpiles of Biological
weapons which they would now be in possession of!

And even after Bush and his cronies categorically stated that they
were wrong about the WMD, some americans still stand up and say ,"They
were there, but they were moved.".

In decades to come the Bush administration will probably be rightly
lauded for their brilliant ability to spin mass paranoia and fear
which allowed them to carry out their actions.

Whether any of us will be around to care is the other question.

Why should the rest of us have to worry about what the price of oil is
going to be tomorrow because the US might invade Iran? Why do we have
to worry that the US is going to further destabilise the middle east
and make things worse than they already are?

Is everyone going to have to strip naked before getting on a plane and
arrive 5 hours early now? I mean WTF?
Things aren't difficult enough to balance already?

On 9/26/07, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So we should nuke them immediately - that's what you're saying?  (With
> our defense soulmates, the French?)

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