+1 :)

I gave up a long long time ago about hiding behind any onscreen identity. I
am who I am and if you don't like, tough pigs!
Those that have met me in person should know that I'm the same person I
"communicate" on these lists. At least I would hope they do.

There are some things I might not bring up online for security reasons, but
otherwise, I am never running for public office so don't have to worry about
that, and professionally, I'll never disparage a customer or co-worker or
colleague (including ex) online. That's just etiquette as far as I am
concerned. Now if we were having drinks at a bar in person, I might have a
thing or two to say. :) But that would be venting and off-record. :)

I've got hundreds of google hits on my nick and name, and it's all good. :)

E with a K and no Alias

On 1/29/08, Todd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> PT PS:  I would love to have the guts to run for office and have someone
> bring up something I said online in the past just so I could look them in
> the eye and ask, "So?  What's your point?"

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