This post:

"Now imagine you have some scumbag CIA or military officer"

Means nothing they have to say is relevant to me or to any true level 
discussion of the topic, plus without video and photos I call bullshit.

Erika L. Walker wrote:
> He thinks it's torture ...
> "So, is it torture?
> I'll put it this way. If I had the choice of being waterboarded by a third
> party or having my fingers smashed one at a time by a sledgehammer, I'd take
> the fingers, no question.
> It's horrible, terrible, inhuman torture. I can hardly imagine worse. I'd
> prefer permanent damage and disability to experiencing it again. I'd give up
> anything, say anything, do anything.
> The Spanish Inquisition knew this. It was one of their favorite methods.
> It's torture. No question. Terrible terrible torture. To experience it and
> understand it and then do it to another human being is to leave the realm of
> sanity and humanity forever. No question in my mind."
> On 2/13/08, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> this maybe?

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