That is exactly why I figured you would care about getting it right,
who said what, what their statements and beliefs are, rather than a
knee-jerk reaction to what _someone else_ said.

The "author", the OP who waterboarded himself, is a little to the
right of Sam on a political scale, and as gung-ho on the military as
anyone who has never served can be.

On Feb 13, 2008 4:48 PM, Loathe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This kind of makes me laugh, you guys have known me for what, about 8
> years now?
> I'm a constructionist constitutionalist libertarian objectavist.
> I'm pretty sure that makes me about as closed minded as they come.
> I'd rather see people die of starvation in the streets than violate my
> political, moral and philosophical ethos.
> Hell I'd rather die in the streets than do that.

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