You claim he called CIA and military officers "scumbags".

And from that you decided you "knew where he was coming from"

And from that you decided he was not credible, and had nothing to add
to any conversation.

But, you were wrong. Just thought you had more self-honesty than that.
After 8 years, I actually think you do.

On Feb 13, 2008 5:03 PM, Loathe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> He also posted on a left wing site and provided no proof of his claims,
> why would I care about that?
> Jerry Johnson wrote:
> > That is exactly why I figured you would care about getting it right,
> > who said what, what their statements and beliefs are, rather than a
> > knee-jerk reaction to what _someone else_ said.
> >
> > The "author", the OP who waterboarded himself, is a little to the
> > right of Sam on a political scale, and as gung-ho on the military as
> > anyone who has never served can be.

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