Isn't he a brit?

They really have no business opening their mouth during any discussion 
of civil liberties or torture.

Dana wrote:
> this maybe?
> On Feb 13, 2008 12:17 PM, Todd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I will include another of your comments in my response to your first.
>>>> I'm using MY definition of what I think is acceptable treatment for an
>> enemy combatant.  One that has NO rights under the rules of land warfare
>> and could be summarily executed at any time as a spy or a saboteur.
>> Just because you think it is 'acceptable treatment' does not mean the act
>> itself is no longer torture.  If you think it is acceptable to torture
>> people for whatever reason, fine, just say that.
>> Psychological torture is sometimes worse than physical.  Not to be crude,
>> but if someone were to dunk your head in a toilet until you almost, or did
>> pass out, and you weren't sure whether each time would be your last on this
>> earth, I think you would probably start to feel pretty tortured.  It has to
>> be a horrifying experience.  Suffocation has to be one of the worst ways to
>> die.
>> I also find it interesting how the U.S. convicted a Japanese officer after
>> WWII of war crimes for waterboarding and sentenced him to 15 years hard
>> labor, but now it's AOK when it is useful for 'us'.
>> I am still trying to find something I read about what actually happens
>> during waterboarding.  It was pretty disturbing.  I am pretty sure it was
>> even posted to this list.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Loathe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "CF-Community" <>
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 2:00 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Obama] Client sent me this ...
>>> Do you have an actual argument or just a "feeling"?
>>> Todd wrote:
>>>> I call bullshit on this.
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Loathe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> To: "CF-Community" <>
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 1:36 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [Obama] Client sent me this ...
>>>>> Water boarding is not torture.
>>>>> Cutting off fingers, electrocution, burning, beating, kicking, these are
>>>>> torture.
>>>>> Or to expand on the argument, while PHYSICAL torture is and should be
>>>>> banned, psychological torture isn't and shouldn't be.
>>>>> I mean the cops can use a lot of methods that are construed as
>>>>> psychological torture, but we'll prohibit our soldiers from doing so?

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