Arnold was born to Austrian parents.  McCain was born to a military 
officer serving abroad, if you can't see the difference than I don't 
know what to tell you.

I don't have a problem with 2nd class citizens, I believe in staged 
citizenship, I've said so many times before, and would support a system 
like that proposed by Heinlein.

Larry Lyons wrote:
> If you disallow one group simply because they had the effrontery of choosing 
> the wrong place to be born in you're creating second class citizens.  People 
> who have all the duties and responsibilities of citizenship but not all of 
> the benefits or privileges. 
> btw what is the difference between McCain and the governator? Neither was 
> born on American soil.
>> It wasn't just that, it was also there to prevent new immigrants that 
>> hadn't assimilated from becoming president.
>> Arnie shouldn't be permitted to be president.  McCain was born to a 
>> military family abroad, he should be.
>> Dana wrote:

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